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Pension and Allowances of Sindh Government
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Karachi dated the 10"" July 2020
SUBJECT: Grant of Increase in Pension to the Civil Pensioner of the Government of Sindh Employees 2020
The Government of Sindh has been
pleased to sanction an increase f@ 11% of net pension with the street from I" July 2020
until further
orders to
all civil pensioners of the Sindh Government.
2. The 10% increase in pension as allowed vide of Finance Department's 0.M, No.FD (SR-1I13-2102011, dated 12" July 2011, 1u% increase in pension as allowed vide Finance Department's 0.M, No.FD(SR-11D3-2302013(roll.). dated 1 September, 015, 10% increase in pension vide Iara-1 of Finance Department's 0,M, No.FD6SR-111)3-230/2013 (Provo). dated 04" August 2016 and Finance Department's O,M.No.FD(SR-1I1)3-230/2013(Paul.). dated 13" July. 2017 shall be admissible to the mew pensioners who would retire on or after 01,0720.20. The U"% increase in pension as per details mentioned at Para-I above will also be admissible to the pensioners who would retire on rafter 01.07.2020.
4. For the purpose of admissibility of increase in pension sanctioned in this Department's OM. the term "Net I'ension" means "Pension being drawn" minus "Medical Allowance"
5. The increase will also be admissible on a family pension granted under the
Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme, I954, Liberalized pension Rules, I977, on pension sanctioned under the Central Civil Services (Extra Ordinary Pension) Rules as well as on the Compassionate Allowance under CSR-353.
6, If the gross pension sanctioned by the Sindh Government is shredded with any Government in accord. nee with the rules laid down in Part-IV of Appendix Ill to the Accounts Code. Volume·I, the amount of the increase in pension will be apportioned between the Sindh element and the other Government concerned on a proportionate basis.
Pension & Allowances | Notification Sindh 2020 | Page-I |
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Updated by Zia Mustafa (ملازمین کا محسن)
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